Modern C++ in Advent of Code: Day 1
It is that time of year again, so let's help the elves with Modern C++.
Before you read my solutions, I recommend you try to solve the problems yourself:
Our input is a series of numbers separated by empty lines. To have a simple interface for our C++ solution, let's take it as a std::vector<std::string>
, where empty strings serve as our delimiters.
Part1: elf with the most calories
Our goal for the first part is to determine the elf carrying the highest calories. Let's think about what we need to do to get there from our input std::vector
split the input by-elf
translate each string into a number (now that the delimiters are gone)
sum up the numbers, so we have a total for each elf
pick the elf with the highest total
We can achieve all of this using views and algorithms.
to make a view of ranges, one for each elfuse
to transform each of these ranges into a single number (the number of calories)use
to pick the elf carrying the most calories
To transform a range into a single number, we can again use views and algorithms:
to transform eachstd::string
into a numberuse
to sum up the numbers
Putting this together, we end up with this solution:
uint64_t max_calories(const std::vector<std::string>& data) {
auto by_elf = data |
// group by elf: range{range{string}}
std::views::lazy_split(std::string{}) |
// sum up the calories for each elf: range{uint64_t}
std::views::transform([](const auto& elf) -> uint64_t {
// std::string -> uint64_t
auto to_unsigned =
[](const auto& in) { return std::stoull(in); };
// make a view of uint64_t: range{string} -> range{uint64_t}
auto rng = elf |
std::views::transform(to_unsigned) |
std::views::common; // std::reduce requires a common range
// reduce into the sum: range{uint64_t} -> uint64_t
return std::reduce(rng.begin(), rng.end());
// find the elf with the maximum number of calories
auto it = std::ranges::max_element(by_elf);
return *it; // and return
Part2: top three elves with the most calories
Our second goal is to instead of finding the top elf (e.g. max_element
) to find the top three elves and return the sum of all the calories they are carrying.
We can reuse almost all of our previous solution. The main change is that we need to determine the top three elements in our transformed range.
To pick the top three elements, we would need a sort. However, we cannot sort a view (std::views::lazy_split
only models an input range). Fortunately, we have std::partial_sort_copy
which can operate with an input range as long as the destination is random-access.
Once we have the top three elements, we can use std::reduce
again to obtain the sum.
Putting this together, we end up with the following solution:
uint64_t top_three(const std::vector<std::string>& data) {
auto by_elf = data |
// group by elf: range{range{string}}
std::views::lazy_split(std::string{}) |
// sum up the calories for each elf: range{uint64_t}
std::views::transform([](const auto& elf) -> uint64_t {
// std::string -> uint64_t
auto to_unsigned =
[](const auto& in) { return std::stoull(in); };
// make a view of uint64_t: range{string} -> range{uint64_t}
auto rng = elf |
std::views::transform(to_unsigned) |
std::views::common; // std::reduce requires a common range
// reduce into the sum: range{uint64_t} -> uint64_t
return std::reduce(rng.begin(), rng.end());
std::vector<uint64_t> top(3);
// We cannot sort a view, however, partial_sort_copy only requires
// the destination range to be random-access.
std::ranges::partial_sort_copy(by_elf, top, std::greater<>{});
// Sum up the top three
return std::reduce(top.begin(), top.end());
The repository with a complete solution (including input parsing) is available here:
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